Saturday, April 5, 2008

Center of Excellence

There is a new building being constructed alongside I-81 in Syracuse. The building will be the location of the Center of Excellence, an organization dedicated to research and development in environmental and energy systems. Their goals include providing new local jobs, providing innovations in technology to improve human life, and earn international recognition for leading developments in sustainable systems in the urban environment. Center of Excellence projects focus on one of the three following options, clean and renewable energy, indoor environmental quality, or water resources. The new building will be a landmark for the city as it will be the most dramatic building visible to people as they drive through the city on the elevated highway. For more information about the Syracuse Center of Excellence go to

1 comment:

kz688 said...

Before I read your post, I had no idea that this center was being built. I think it's a really cool idea. I like that its going to focus on being environmentally friendly and be beneficial to the local economy. This is related to our topic because the Center will be helping Syracuse locals. I hope the Center does become an important landmark in the city, because it will encourage other cities to build environmentally friendly buildings as well.